Get Involved


Monetary donations are appreciated and the best way of helping horses in need but did you know, we also take gently used items, such as blankets, Halters and Leads? Let us know if you have items you would like to donate!

Dollar values are also accepted by e-transfer or PayPal to :


When we have horses awaiting homes, every day they need to be fed. They need stalls cleaned and buckets filled with fresh water. Some horses may need special medications, some need training, some just need kindness and love.

If you have no experience, we will teach you. If you have lots of experience, You can teach us. We don’t know everything but we love learning everyday!

We are also taking applications for foster homes. If you have an empty stall or adequate shelter and extra love to give, let us know and we will send an application! (Foster homes must be in the Province of Nova Scotia at this time)

Let us know how you think you could help us !

Plan & Run a Fundraiser

By raising money for us, you’ll help us feed, provide and protect the horses and other equines depending on us. The personal fundraising ideas are endless but here are a few of our favorites:

  • Car wash

  • Bake sale

  • Garage sale

  • Set up a giving page for your birthday and share it with your friends

  • Placing a donations box at your workplace

Every nickel earned makes a difference to the feed and care of our horses and supporting our programs. We’d love to hear your ideas!

*third party fundraising does need our approval if using our organizations name. Please contact us and we can discuss your idea :)

Check out other organizations dedicated to Equine welfare in your local community and how you can become involved. No equine organizations in your area? Consider what you can offer to change that!

Bozzy’s Mission is a federally registered non-profit organization, located in Nova Scotia, Canada.
